Custom Built Tiny House

Rockbridge, Ohio
For Sale $45,000 Apply for financing
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Tiny House




288 sq. ft.


0 bedrooms


1 bathroom

1 loft


Brand new 24x8 Tiny House! Built on a Trailer Made trailer. Two lofts, one 8x8 with access to a 4x8 deck. The other loft is 4x8. Custom ladder than can be moved from loft to loft and able to move side-to-side.

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Full sized kitchen cabinets, gas cook stove with oven, refrigerator (gas or electric), drop down storage under both lofts. Built in kitchen table that can be stored flush against the wall to be dropped down when in use. House can be operated with solar power if you want to take it off grid, or plugged into 110 electric. Has a 10 gallon water storage tank, or can be hooked up directly to a hydrant. Bathroom has a small sink, a stand-in shower, and a Nature’s Head composting toilet.

Entry door has a small, movable 4x6 deck. The interior of the house is detailed in wood. Oak floor in main living area. Carpet in both lofts.

I am located in the Hocking Hills in Ohio. Asking $49,000. Call John with any questions or if you would like to see it.

Johnhines43149, Lister Rockbridge, Ohio

Interested in this tiny house? Contact Johnhines43149 to get more details, discuss pricing, or learn more.

Contact Johnhines43149


Rockbridge, Ohio, United States

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  • Tiny House

    The property type of this listing.

  • Mobile

    This home can be moved by driving or hitching onto a trailer.

  • Square Feet


    Square Feet


  • The owner hasn't added any features to this listing


Bedrooms 0
Lofts 1
Bathrooms 1
Size 288sq ft
Number of views 50124
Times dreamlisted 183

Price History

Date Event Price
October 20, 2017 Listed $45,000