Primitive hunting cabin or tiny house

Threeforks, Montana
For Sale $10,000 Apply for financing
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Tiny House




240 sq. ft.


1 bedroom


0 bathrooms

1 loft


We have a 12x20 tinyhouse with a 12x8 loft we are moving out of and need to sell. It is primitive, does not have electric, power or any of that. However it can be added. There is not bathroom, a camp toilet was used. An area at the back wall is not stained as we were planning to remove this and add a small restroom.
It's a cool little viking style build.
The outside still needs siding on a portion of it.
Has a loft and open area where the kitchen and living room are.
There are cabinets and a great cast iron double sink.

It was our cozy first home with our new son, and would love to see it go to someone who will complete it and make a cozy home or hunting cabin from it.

It's very solid but some one will need machinery and a trailer to move it. Or to hire a moving company to do so.

10,000 obo

Vicktoria, Lister Threeforks, Montana

Interested in this tiny house? Contact Vicktoria to get more details, discuss pricing, or learn more.

Contact Vicktoria


Threeforks, Montana, United States

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  • Tiny House

    The property type of this listing.

  • Mobile

    This home can be moved by driving or hitching onto a trailer.

  • Used

    This listing has been used before and may or may not show signs of wear.



  • Shape Used
  • Shape Metal roof


Bedrooms 1
Lofts 1
Bathrooms 0
Size 240sq ft
Length 20 ft
Width 12 ft
Height 14 ft
Number of views 11450
Times dreamlisted 85

Price History

Date Event Price
May 10, 2022 Listed $10,000