Cozy, Tiny Cabin

Colorado Springs, Colorado
For Sale $49,900 Apply for financing
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Tiny House




208 sq. ft.


0 bedrooms


1 bathroom

1 loft


This craftsman-style tiny house is fully equipped for simple living. The first level is 128 sq. ft., the sleeping loft is 56 sq.ft., and the storage loft is 24 sq.ft. It runs on propane and solar power, with a back-up plug for shore-power and can easily be set up to run off a rain-water collection system or a well. The kitchen features a farm-house sink, open shelving, a mini-oven, a two-burner stove top, and an under-counter fridge. The bathroom has a full shower stall and a composting toilet (Nature’s Head). The living space has a comfy bench that folds out into a comfy bed for guests.

The loft is the perfect cozy sleeping nook. It has a handmade, buckwheat hull mattress and built-in frame, as well as a built-in closet. This bed could be easily removed if necessary.

e.yorgensen1, Lister Colorado Springs, Colorado

Interested in this tiny house? Contact e.yorgensen1 to get more details, discuss pricing, or learn more.

Contact e.yorgensen1


Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

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  • Tiny House

    The property type of this listing.

  • Mobile

    This home can be moved by driving or hitching onto a trailer.

  • Square Feet


    Square Feet


  • The owner hasn't added any features to this listing


Bedrooms 0
Lofts 1
Bathrooms 1
Size 208sq ft
Number of views 56930
Times dreamlisted 286

Price History

Date Event Price
February 12, 2017 Listed $49,900