The Honeysuckle

Chatsworth, Georgia
Listing Sold

Tiny House




128 sq. ft.


0 bedrooms


1 bathroom

1 loft


This listing is for a premium built tiny home that is near completion. It features LED lighting and Wink ready dimmers, and a keyless PIN entry front door. We use only the best materials for our projects. The specs thus far include:

16′ L by 8′ W and 11′ tall in front 8′ tall in the rear.

R30 insulation in the ceiling and R13 in the walls and floor.

Bathroom is a 3′ by 6′ and 7′ high ceiling.

One 5′ by 8′ sleeping loft with 4′ high head clearance above and 6′ clearance below.

One 6′ by 3′ storage loft with a 2′ clearance

Big Tex 16ft flat deck trailer

Laminate flooring

*** We are very aware of what needs to be finished, however if you are seriously interested and are willing give a down payment, we are willing to customize to your needs.

As updates are made on the honeysuckle, I will upload new photos to replace the old ones. Please only serious inquiries. You can reach me by email at and we will go from there. I hope you love the honeysuckle as much as I do.

If you are new to Tiny Homes and want more information, this link of FAQ’s can be very helpful:


Chatsworth, Georgia, United States

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  • Tiny House

    The property type of this listing.

  • Mobile

    This home can be moved by driving or hitching onto a trailer.

  • Square Feet


    Square Feet


  • The owner hasn't added any features to this listing


Bedrooms 0
Lofts 1
Bathrooms 1
Size 128sq ft
Number of views

Price History

Date Event Price
January 17, 2017 Listed $25,000