1961 with original pieces! Tiny home/motorhome conversion

Nashville , Tennessee
For Sale $20,000 Apply for financing
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Converted Bus




320 sq. ft.


1 bedroom


1 bathroom

0 lofts


8v71 original Detroit Diesel engine. 4 speed transmission, manual. It just ran a couple weeks ago. Could use a good mechanic to go through it, and will definitely need a lot of new gas to start up, tanks on empty.

Interior is a fully built out motor home, but very modular and would be easy to modify for your needs. Currently has space for a queen bed and a pull out option for a twin. Just needs a power and water source!
Has both 50 and 30 amp power ability, but you'll need 50 to run the AC units. Two ACs installed and two heaters.

All plumbing works and has been anti-freezed through the winters. Working propane water heater. Standing shower or bath! Also has a full size kitchen sink with a water filter.

Brand new batteries.

Large gray and black waste tanks.

Tires are full and they roll, but they're old. They brought us all the way from Washington State in 2021 and they will need replaced soon.

The to-do list:
Front small window near the door needs to be sealed and mounted, we have the glass.
The rubber hinges on the bay doors get worn down and have to be replaced every so often. I think we still have some rubber that you can take. I know one of the doors needs it replaced now.
It won't be as bad if you park in the shade, but if you plan to take this baby on the road or park somewhere with direct sunlight, you'll want to paint the roof with Tropicool. It gets warm, even with the two AC units.
We built the walls out of very thin plywood so we could get maximum square footage, but that material has not weathered the test of time. It's not necessary, but I would replace the walls if it were me.

Cherri, Lister Nashville , Tennessee

Interested in this tiny house? Contact Cherri to get more details, discuss pricing, or learn more.

Contact Cherri


Nashville , Tennessee, United States

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  • Converted Bus

    The property type of this listing.

  • Mobile

    This home can be moved by driving or hitching onto a trailer.

  • Square Feet


    Square Feet


  • Shape Mini split
  • Shape Metal roof
  • Shape Propane heat
  • Shape Flush toilet


Bedrooms 1
Lofts 0
Bathrooms 1
Size 320sq ft
Length 40 ft
Width 8 ft
Height 12 ft
Days on site 175
Number of views 2764
Times dreamlisted 29

Price History

Date Event Price
August 30, 2024 Listed $20,000