Kokoon Homes

Toccoa, Georgia
Contact Lister

Tiny House




0 sq. ft.


1 bedroom


1 bathroom

0 lofts


My background in construction & farming exposed me to both
foam insulation & steel framing. Many nights I would sit and think there must be a better way to build homes that are efficient & do not need a contractor. We started designing components that would enable the walls to be placed anywhere in the structural exterior, with & without windows installed.
The adventures of revisions involving patent attorneys, CADD (Computer Aided Design & Drafting), CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled Equipment), builders, electricians, plumbers helped us develop the final product.
As we grew we had several requests literally in a weeks time to put our panels on trailers. This client driven request prompted our latest product line – Kompak THOW (Tiny House on Wheels).
We are now producing Kokoon Products in a 100,000 sq.ft. factory on 37 acres in Toccoa, Ga. under the same family owners. We are poised to meet the needs of today & expand to the necessities of tomorrow.
Today’s Kokoon SIPs kits & the Kompak THOW are both keeping our original design criteria. We demanded that an average person can erect a home kit with NO crane necessary. Both product lines exceed structural requirements of NAHB; that was important to us. The highly effective & money saving insulation which is fire safe & ecologically sound are constructed into panels in a way that can be picked up by the owners in a truck & a flatbed trailer! It’s funny to see a 2,000 sq ft. home walls all stacked on a 24 ft flatbed trailer being pulled by a full sized pick-up truck. The owner thought we were kidding when we said it was all there & that we two crew members would have the walls up in a couple days. The owner later told us that he was enjoying an average utility bill of under $100.
Practical, Affordable, Logical. That was the original thought process that has become now – Kokoon Homes & Kompak Tiny House on Wheels.
We look forward to hearing of your adventures as you pursue your dream home.

Kokoon Homes, Lister Toccoa, Georgia

Interested in this tiny house? Contact Kokoon Homes to get more details, discuss pricing, or learn more.

Contact Kokoon Homes


Toccoa, Georgia, United States

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  • Tiny House

    The property type of this listing.

  • Mobile

    This home can be moved by driving or hitching onto a trailer.

  • Square Feet


    Square Feet


  • The owner hasn't added any features to this listing


Bedrooms 1
Lofts 0
Bathrooms 1
Size N/A
Number of views 5148
Times dreamlisted 4

Price History

Date Event Price
September 23, 2015 Listed $0